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Friday, November 11, 2011

Lexus LS 600h L Landaulet Price I Lexus LS 600h L Landaulet 2011

Equipped with Lexus Hybrid Drive, Prince Albert's LS 600h L offers all the performance and comfort expected from a Lexus flagship, and generates significantly lower CO2, NOx and particulate emissions than any comparable car.

'Lexus is very proud to present this exceptional full hybrid vehicle to H.S.H. the Sovereign Prince of Monaco', said Andy Pfeiffenberger, Vice President of Lexus Europe. 'Our commitment to innovation and sustainable mobility at Lexus matches well with His Serene Highness' keen interest in promoting sustainable development and environmental protection.'

The state-of-the-art conversion was undertaken by renowned Belgian coachbuilders Carat Duchatelet in close collaboration with Lexus engineers based in Brussels. It took over 2000 hours to complete. The fundamental objective of the project was to ensure that the finished car maintained the levels of quality and technological sophistication inherent in every Lexus, whilst preserving all the performance, safety and dynamic attributes of the original LS 600h L.

Before production of the transparent roof itself, a template in honeycomb structure and carbon fibre was used to validate shape, structural integrity and a perfect fit to the body of the vehicle within tolerances of less than 1 mm. With the design complete, the extreme precision of production was carried out by robotic tools, which machined the final canopy in a completely automated process.

The final conversion stage of this unique LS 600h L, re-assembly and finishing, involved a team of 10 people in conjunction with Lexus engineers, working full time for over two weeks to ensure that every aspect of the vehicle meets the highest levels of quality and sophistication.

On the day of the wedding, the Lexus LS 600h L Landaulet will be used by the royal couple to tour the Principality after the ceremony. The tour will bring them from the Palace on the Rocher down to the harbour, and then along Boulevard Albert I up to the Sainte-Devote Church where, as is the tradition, the princess will leave her bridal bouquet to the waiting Monegasques. For most of this tour, the vehicle will operate in full zero-emission mode, driving under electric-motor power alone, hereby reaffirming Lexus Hybrid Drive's environmental credentials.